Friday, April 04, 2008

Be mindful of time....

Ever noticed how time really fly very fast now? I hardly took note of time flying out of my window when I log on to check my blogs, I realized that its been 3 months since I updated my blog! Without wasting more of this precious commodity, I blogged and blogged till I drop out of my chair and fell down. I had a realization,

Time may not always make time for us. We have to always be mindful of time. Like nature, Time is a component of it, along with space. Time and Space. These 2 natural phenomena does not way for any person, or being. It simply can't adjust to suit our needs and fancy. We on the other hand, we are pressed for it, we're always lacking in enough time to do the things we need to do. Everything to us is priority.

With the world getting smaller, and technology improving our way of living, we get more stressed with ourselves and our lack of time management. We hardly have enough hours of sleep due to our work or personal commitment. Time, Time, Time. How do we manage Time? We don't. We have to manage ourself so we can have enough time to do what is deemed important to us in that period of Time.

Time is also transient. IT does not wait or sit still. It will continue to walk forward, step by step, So we must also 'walk along' with It. As I try to finish this blog, I realized I have a lot more things to do while I'm still alive and kicking. I better manage my own time so all my aspirations and goals can bear fruit before I kick the bucket and meet Lord Yama. So... have you waste enough time? If you have, then stop reading my blog and do what you have to do! Plan your time ahead so Time will become your friend instead of your foe, forever reminding you that your time is running up.... Soon, you'll be a bag of bones and leave everything behind to meet up with Lord Yama. !

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