Monday, July 23, 2007

Spreading Metta and Compassion to KL!!!!

If you have not heard, Three dates that you should remember so you can clear up your schedule for those days, July 30th, 31st. and Aug 1st. Why? It is a day of great love, compassion and Metta. This is a nationwide affair and is organized by a Buddhist Foundation aimed to promote Peace, Harmony and Compassion (Karuna in Sanskrit) for not only Malaysia, but the whole world.

August 1st (Gregorian Calender) is the Anniversary of Guan Shi Yin (Avalokiteshvara) Bodhisattva's accomplishment of Enlightenment. Therefore, it is only befitting to celebrate this auspicious event with such a power-charged and meaningful Puja and Dharma activities. This is akin to the dynamic activities of our Christian brothers and Sisters' evangelism and their spiritually charged mass services.

We honor the Great Compassionate One with such a celebration simply because He or She is always with us. The Benevolent One has never forsaken us during our trials and tribulations. We just have forgotten him/ her when we're too involved in our survival on this Samsara world.

Come and take some time and join thousands of other Buddhists throughout the city and the country to celebrate, make and dedicate merits to all beings, sentient and insentient throughout the 3 thousand world systems so we can remember, exhort ourselves and guide others in the Dharma journey so we can discover our own Buddha nature and resonate with Guan Yin...

Namo Da Bei Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa
Om Mani Pad-me Hum...

Visit for more details!!!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

The Heart Sutra - Wisdom beyond words and meaning.. Nod if you understand...

Prajnaparamita Hrihdaya Sutra

Aryavalokitesvara bodhisattva gambhiram prajnaparamita caryam caramano vyavalokayati
sma panca skandhas tams ca sva bhava sunyam pasyati sma . Iha Shariputra rupam sunyata va rupam rupan na prithak sunyata sunyataya na prithag rupam yad rupam sa sunyata ya sunyata sa rupam evam eva vedana samjna samskara vijnanam.

Iha Shariputra sarva dharma sunyata laksana anutpanna anruddha avmala anuna aparpurnata sariputra sunyatayam na rupam na vedana na samjna na samskara na vijnana. Na caksur srotam na ghrana jih-va kaya manasa, na rupa shabda gandha rasa spistavya dharmah na caksur dhatu ya van na mano vijnanam dhatu

na vidya na vidya na vidya ksayo va vidya ksayo ya van jaramaranam na jaramarana ksayo
na duhkha samudaya nirdoha marga jna-na jnanam na prapti na bhismaya tasmai na praptitva bodhisattva prajnaparamita asrityaviha ratya citta varano vidya ksayo na vidya ksayo yavan jaramaranam na jaramarana ksayo na duhkha samudaya nirodha marga.

Jnanam na prapti na habhi samaya tasmat na prapti tva bodhisattvanam prajnaparamita asrityaviha ratya citta avarana citta avarana siddhitvad atrasto vipa riyasa abi kranta ni stha nirvanam.

Trya dha vyava sthitah sarva buddhah prajna-paramitam asritya anuttaram samyaksambodhim abdhisambuddha.Tasmat jnata vyam prajna-paramita, maha mantra, maha vidya mantra, anuttara mantra, asama samati mantra. Sarva duhkha prasa manam sat yam amith-yatva, prajna-paramitam mukha mantra:


"When the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara was coursing in the Deep Prajna Paramita."
"He Perceived That All Five Skandhas Are Empty." "Thus He Overcame All Ills and Suffering."

"Oh, Sariputra, Form Does not Differ From the Void, And the Void Does Not Differ From Form. Form is Void and Void is Form; The Same is True For Feelings,
Perceptions, Volitions and Consciousness."

"Sariputra, the Characteristics of the Voidness of All Dharmas Are Non-Arising, Non-Ceasing, Non-Defiled, Non-Pure, Non-Increasing, Non-Decreasing." "Therefore, in the Void There Are No Forms, No Feelings, Perceptions, Volitions or Consciousness."

"No Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue, Body or Mind; No Form, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch or Mind Object; No Realm of the Eye, Until We Come to No realm of Consciousness."

"No ignorance and Also No Ending of Ignorance, Until We Come to No Old Age and Death and No Ending of Old Age and Death." "Also, There is No Truth of Suffering,
Of the Cause of Suffering, Of the Cessation of Suffering, Nor of the Path."

"There is No Wisdom, and There is No Attainment Whatsoever. Because There is Nothing to Be Attained, The Bodhisattva Relying On Prajna Paramita Has No Obstruction in His Mind."

"Because There is No Obstruction, He Has no Fear, And He passes Far Beyond Confused Imagination. And Reaches Ultimate Nirvana."

"The Buddhas of the Past, Present and Future, By Relying on Prajna Paramita, Have Attained Supreme Enlightenment. Therefore, the Prajna Paramita is the Great Magic Spell, The Spell of Illumination, the Supreme Spell, Which Can Truly Protect One From All Suffering Without Fail."

"Therefore He Uttered the Spell of Prajnaparmita,
Saying Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha."

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Nama Arya Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Mahasattva Mahakarunakaya!

Namo Great Compassionate Avalokitheshvara Pusa! Om Mani Padme Hum!

Come August 1st (Chinese Calender: 6th Lunar Month, 19th day) , The enlightenment anniversary of Bodhisattva Mahasattva Great Compassionate Guan Shi Yin shall be celebrated by Mahayana Buddhists. The beloved Compassionate One's anniversary is celebrated 3 times a year. Chinese calender : 2nd lunar Month, 19th day, 6th lunr month, 19th day, 9th lunar month 19th day. Why is Guan Shi Yin is so popular and dear to us here within the Samsara world? It's simply because Guan Yin has affinities with us. Along with another Great Bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (Di Zang PuSa). Together with our Buddha Sakyamuni, the 3 Saha Sages looks after our samsara world.

As Guan Shi Yin's anniversary is coming soon. I have devoted this blog to the Great compassionate one. One with a thousand hands and eyes looking in all ten directions to respond to the cries of all sentient beings. One with 33 transformation bodies and multiple awesome spiritual powers. The Blue neck and whose 6 syllable true words resonate with your heart. One who is also a transformation of the Mother of 7 Koti Buddhas, and whose tears arose out of compassion gave birth to the Green and White goddesses.

Unworthy disciple, with 7 limbs on the ground, making 5 fold prostrations, sincerely request Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva to be ever closer to all of us, guide us and teach us so we can realize our own error and we shall not commit more karmic offenses. Guide us so we can dwell in the blissfulness of the Dharma and be in your state of mind.


AT THAT TIME Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva rose from his seat, uncovered his right shoulder, placed his palms together, and facing the Buddha, said, "World Honored One, for what reason is the Bodhisattva Guanshiyin called ‘Guanshiyin’?"

The Buddha told Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva, "Good man, if any of the limitless hundreds of thousands of myriads of kotis of living beings who are undergoing all kinds of suffering hear of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva and recite his name single-mindedly, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva will immediately hear their voices and rescue them.

"If a person who upholds the name of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva enters a great fire, the fire will not burn him, all because of this Bodliisattva’s awesome spiritual power.

"If a person being tossed about in the great sea calls out the Bodhisattva’s name, he will find a shallow place.

"If the hundreds of thousands of myriads of kotis of beings who seek gold, silver, lapis lazuli, mother-of-pearl, carnelian, coral, amber, pearls, and so forth enter the great sea, an evil wind may toss their boats into the territory of the rakshasa ghosts. But if among them there is even one person who calls out the name of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, they will all be saved from the difficulty of the rakshasas. For this reason, he is called Guanshiyin.

"Further, if a person who is about to be harmed calls out the name of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, the knives and staves of the attackers will break into pieces and he will be saved.

"If yakshas and rakshasas enough to fill the three thousand great thousand world system come to torment a person, if they hear him call out the name of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, all those evil ghosts will not even be able to stare at that person with their evil eyes, how much the less harm him.

"If a person, whether guilty or not, who has been put in stocks or bound with chains calls out the name of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, his fetters will break apart and he will immediately be freed.

"If bandits enough to fill the three thousand great thousand world system infest a dangerous road on which a merchant chief in charge of costly jewels is leading a group of merchants, but among the merchants there is even a single person who says, ‘Good men, do not be afraid! You should all single-mindedly recite the name of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva. This Bodhisattva bestows fearlessness upon living beings. If you recite his name, you shall surely be saved from these robbers,’ and if upon hearing that, the merchants all cry out together, ‘Namo Guanshiyin Bodhisattva,’ then they will immediately be saved because they recited his name.

"Inexhaustible Intention! The awesome spiritual power of the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Guanshiyin is as lofty and sublime as that!

"If living beings who have much sexual desire constantly and reverently recite the name of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, they will be separated from desire.

"If those who have much hatred constantly and reverently recite the name of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, they will be separated from hatred.

"If those who are very stupid constantly and reverently recite the name of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, they will be separated from stupidity.

"Inexhaustible Intention, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva has great awesome spiritual powers such as these and confers great benefits. Therefore living beings should always be mindful of him.

"If women who seek sons bow and make offerings to Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, they will give birth to blessed, virtuous, and wise sons. If they seek daughters, they will give birth to upright and handsome daughters who have planted roots of virtue in previous lives and who are regarded and respected by all.

"Inexhaustible Intention! Guanshiyin Bodhisattva has powers such as these. If there are living beings who reverently bow to Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, they will be blessed and their efforts will not be in vain.

"Therefore living beings should all receive and uphold the name of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva.

"Inexhaustible Intention! If a person were to receive and uphold the names of Bodhisattvas in number as the grains of sand in sixty-two kotis of Ganges Rivers, and in addition were to exhaustively make offerings to them of food, drink, clothing, bedding, and medicine, what do you think—would that good man’s or good woman’s merit and virtue be great or not?"

Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva replied, "Very great, World Honored One."

The Buddha said, "If another person were to receive and uphold the name of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva and bow and make offerings but once, that person’s blessings would be equal to and not different from the other person’s. They could not be exhausted in hundreds of thousands of myriads of kotis of eons.

"Inexhaustible Intention, one who receives and upholds the name of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva obtains the benefit of blessings and virtues as limitless and boundless as those."

Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, how does Guanshiyin Bodhisattva roam through this Saha world? How does he speak the Dharma for living beings? How does he carry out this work with the power of expedients?"

The Buddha told Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva, "Good man, if living beings in this land must be saved by means of someone in the body of a Buddha, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva will manifest itt the body of a Buddha and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of a Pratyekabuddha, he will manifest in the body of a Pratyekabuddha and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of a Hearer, he will manifest in the body of a Hearer and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of the Brahma King, he will manifest in the body of the Brahma King and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of Shakra, he will manifest in the body of Shakra and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of the God of Sovereignty, he will manifest in the body of the God of Sovereignty and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of the Great God of Sovereignty, he will manifest in the body of the Great God of Sovereignty and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of a great heavenly general, he will manifest in the body of a great heavenly general and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of Vaishravana, he will manifest in the body of Vaishravana and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of a minor king, he will manifest in the body of a minor king and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of an Elder, he will manifest in the body of an Elder and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of a layman, he will manifest in the body of a layman and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of a minister of state, he will manifest in the body of a minister of state and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of a Brahman, he will manifest in the body of a Brahman and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of a Bhikshu, Bhikshuni, Upasaka, or Upasika, he will manifest in the body of a Bhikshu, Bhikshuni, Upasaka, or Upasika and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of the wife of an Elder, of a layman, of a minister of state, or of a Brahman, he will manifest in a wife’s body and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of a pure youth or a pure maiden, he will manifest in the body of a pure youth or pure maiden and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of a heavenly dragon, yaksha, gandharva, asura, garuda, kinnara, mahoraga, human, or nonhuman, and so forth, he will manifest in such a body and speak Dharma for them.

"If they must be saved by someone in the body of a Vajra-wielding spirit, he will manifest in the body of a Vajra-wielding spirit and speak Dharma for them.

"Inexhaustible Intention! Guanshiyin Bodhisattva has accomplished merit and virtue such as this and, in all manner of forms, roams throughout the land, saving and liberating living beings.

"Therefore you should all single-mindedly make offerings to Guanshiyin Bodhisattva. Guanshiyin Bodhisattva Mahasattva can, in the midst of fear, crisis, and hardship, bestow fearlessness. That is why in this Saha world all call him the "Bestower of Fearlessness."

Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, I shall now make an offering to Guanshiyin Bodhisattva." He then removed his necklace of pearls, its value in the hundreds of thousands of ounces of gold, and offered it to the Bodhisattva, saying, "Humane One, accept this Dharma offering, this necklace of precious pearls."

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva refused to accept it.

Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva again said to Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, "Humane One, out of pity for us, accept this necklace."

The Buddha then told Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, "You should take pity on Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva and the fourfold assembly, as well as the gods, dragons, yakshas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kinnaras, mahoragas, humans, nonhumans, and so forth, and accept this necklace."

Then, out of pity for the fourfold assembly, the gods, dragons, humans, nonhumans, and so forth, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva accepted the necklace. He divided it into two parts: one part he offered to Shakyamuni Buddha and the other to the stupa of Many Jewels Buddha.

"Inexhaustible Intention, such is the self-mastery and spiritual power of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, who roams throughout the Saha world."

At that time, Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva used verses to ask this question:

World Honored One, complete with wondrous marks,
I now ask again,
Why is this disciple of the Buddha Called Guanshiyin?

The Honored One of Perfect, Wondrous Marks,
With verses answered Inexhaustible Intention:
Listen to the practice of Guanyin,
Who skillfully responds in all places.

With vast vows, as deep as the sea,
Throughout inconceivable eons,
He has served many thousands of
kotis of Buddhas,
And has made great, pure vows.

I shall now tell you in brief,
That for those who hear his name or see him,
And who are mindful of his name unceasingly,
He can extinguish the suffering of all realms of existence.

If someone is the victim of another’s harmful intent,
And is pushed into a pit of fire,
If he evokes the strength of Guanyin,
The pit of fire will turn into a pool.
If someone is being tossed about in the great sea,
And is surrounded by the dangers of dragons, fish, and ghosts,
If he evokes the strength of Guanyin,
The waves will not drown him.

If someone is on the peak of Mount Sumeru,
And another person tries to push him off,
If he evokes the strength of Guanyin,
He will stand firm as the sun in space.

If someone is pursued by evil people,
Who want to throw him off a Vajra Mountain,
If he evokes the strength of Guanyin,
Not a single hair on his body will be harmed.

If someone is surrounded by vicious bandits,
Who threaten him with knives,
If he evokes the strength of Guanyin,
The bandits will all give rise to compassion.

If someone is in trouble with the law,
And on the verge of being executed,
If he evokes the strength of Guanyin,
The knives will break into pieces.

If someone is imprisoned, shackled, or chained,
Or if his hands and feet are in stocks,
If he evokes the strength of Guanyin,
His bonds will open and he will be free.

If someone is about to be harmed,
By mantras, spells, or poison,
If he evokes the strength of Guanyin,
The harm will all return to the sender.

If someone meets with evil rakshasas,
Poisonous dragons, or ghosts,
If he evokes the strength of Guanyin,
They will then not dare to harm him.

If someone is surrounded by vicious beasts,
With fearsome fangs and claws,
If he evokes the strength of Guanyin,
The beasts will quickly run far away.

Poisonous snakes and scorpions,
Have blazing lethal vapors,
But if one evokes the strength of Guanyin,
At the sound of one’s voice, they will disperse.

Clouds of roaring thunder and lightning
May send down hail or great floods of rain,
But if one evokes the strength of Guanyin,
The clouds will immediately scatter.

Living beings are beset with hardships,
And oppressed by limitless sufferings.
The power of Guanyin’s wondrous wisdom
Can rescue the world from suffering.

Complete with the power of spiritual penetrations,
Vastly cultivating wisdom and expedient means,
Going throughout countries in the ten directions,
He manifests everywhere in all places.

The various evil destinies,
Those of the hells, ghosts, and animals,
And the pain of birth, old age, sickness, and death
Are all gradually wiped away.

True Contemplator, Pure Contemplator,
Contemplator with Vast, Great Wisdom,
Compassionate Contemplator, Kind Contemplator,
May we constantly behold you with reverence!

Undefiled pure light,
The sun of wisdom that breaks through the darkness
Is able to quell calamities of wind and fire
As it shines on all worlds.

Compassionate substance: the thunder of precepts.
Kind intent: a wondrous great cloud.
He rains down sweet dew and Dharma rain,
Which extinguish the flames of affliction.

In the midst of contention, when faced with lawsuits,
Or when someone is terrified on the battlefield,
If he evokes the strength of Guanyin,
All his many enemies will scatter and leave.
Wondrous your sound, Contemplator of the World’s Sounds
A pure sound, a sound like the sea tide,
A sound beyond all worldly sounds,
We shall always bear it in mind.

In thought after thought we have no doubt:
Guanshiyin is pure and sagely.
In times of suffering, agony, danger, and death,
He is our refuge and protector.

Complete with all merit and virtue,
His kind eyes watching living beings,
He is endowed with massive blessings, limitless as the sea.
Therefore we should reverently worship him.

At that time the Bodhisattva Guardian of the Earth rose from his seat and said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, if there are those who hear this chapter of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, who learn about the self-mastery of his deeds and the power of his spiritual penetrations as shown in this Universal Door, you should know that the merit and virtue of such people will not be small."

When the Buddha had spoken the "Universal Door Chapter," eighty-four thousand living beings in the assembly all brought forth the resolve for anuttarasamyaksambodhi.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Kill your negative Karma.. Do it the Great Vehicle Way

Earlier post on karmic purification is for those who have affinity with the Vajrayana Tradition, The way of the Diamond Vehicle. Today's post is using the Method of Mahayana - The Great Vehicle.

There are a few Dharma methods one can use to remove and purify your unwholesome karmic actions. The most important thing one must do is to take refuge in the Triple Gem. Who and What is the Triple Gem? They are the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha

Buddha - 1st of the Triple Gem

'Buddham Saranam Gacchami'
'Dhammam Saranam Gacchami'
'Sangham Saranam Gacchami'

- The 1st verse uttered in the Theravadin Paritta Pali text. It means I seek Refuge in the Buddha. Again in the Mahayana Tradition, the verse for refuge taking is similar :

I return and rely on the Buddha, Vowing that may all sentient beings,
sincerely seek the noble path and develop the Bodhicitta.

I return and rely on the Dharma, Vowing that may all sentient beings, enter the Dharma Treasury trove, obtaining wisdom as wide as the ocean.

I return and rely on the Sangha, Vowing that mall all sentient beings, cultivate in unison with one mind and heart, returning to the other shore.

The Vajrayana Tradition verse for taking refuge in the Triple Gem is as follows :

Until I am enlightened,
I go for refuge to the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
Through the virtue I create by practising giving and the other perfections,
may I become a Buddha to benefit all sentient beings.

When one has decided to be a Buddhist, one has also realized about Karma and the potential harm it can do to one's life. The next step is to listen to the Dharma from the Venerable Dharma Masters and apply it with vigor.

In Mahayana, (which is devotional Buddhism), there a few Dharma methods to help eradicate and purify one's own unwholesome karmic action.

Dharma method of Amitabha Buddha (Buddha name recitation) NIEN FO (念佛).
It is said that in every Chinese household, there's a GUAN YIN and every temple there is AMITABHA. Amitabha Buddha is the Buddha of the Pure Land of the West. His name is Infinite Light (无梁光. His other name is Infinite Life(无量寿). His place is known as SUKHAVATI. There are a few Sutras in which Buddha Sakyamuni expounded the qualities of this Buddha. The Pure land Buddhists diligently recites his name. His name is like an e-mail tha you send to Amitabha to secure a place in his Pureland, so when your present life ends, you will gain the right for rebirth in Sukhavati so you can meet Amitabha Buddha along with Guan Shi Yin (Avalokiteshvara) and Da Shi Zhi (Mahastamahprapta) Bodhisattvas, together with the Bodhisattva Mahasattva assembly of the Lotus Pool. They will welcome you and together you will get to hear the Dharma and cultivate/ practice under the tutelage of Buddha Amitabha.

The Pureland and Bodhisattva Assembly of Buddha Amitabha

His famous Sutra is the 'Buddha Speaks of the Amitabha Sutra' (佛说阿弥陀经) and the Sutra of Contemplation of the Buddha of Infinite Life and Light. One can eradicate one's karmic offenses by sincerely repeating the Holy name of Buddha Amitabha, and or recite the Dharani Mantra for removing Deeply rooted karmic offenses and to obtain rebirth in the Pure Land.

Buddha Amitabha

Here is the Sanskrit version:

Namo Amitābhāya tathāgatāya.
Tadyathā: amrtod bhave, amrta siddham bhave, amrta vikrānte.
Amrta vikrānta gāmine, gagana kīrti kare, svāhā!

The Chinese Version of the Dharani:

伽彌膩。伽伽那。 枳多迦利。莎婆訶。

The Vajrayana Tradition has Amitabha's mantra as


May Buddha Amitabha's light of compassion shine upon you! May Amitabha blesses you with long life and may you be reborn into his Pureland when this life ends! Namo A Mi Tuo Fo!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Kill your karma! Do it the diamond way!


In my last post, I talked about karma, and by now, you'd realize that your whole karmic actions can comprised of wholesome and unwholesome. So how do you rid of your karmic actions, especially those unwholesome ones, There are a few ways taught by Sakyamuni Buddha, The Bhagavan has left us a treasure trove of Dharmas for us to select and use.

One of the Dharma methods one can use to eradicate and purify one's karmic actions is throuhg the blessings and powers of Vajrasattva. Here is the instructions on using Vajrasattva's way to purify one's karma. I hope all who has affinity with the beloved Vajrasattva may use this and help themselves and others!

May you be well and happy!
Om Ah hum!

The Vajrasattva Mantra

Vajrasattva is one of the key Buddhas in the Vajrayana pantheon. He signifies the truth of the Buddha's message that has always existed and is expressed through the Buddha's teachings. After taking refuge and engendering bodhicitta - the commitment to help all beings to enlightenment - the individual is required to practice reciting the hundred-syllable Vajrasattva mantra. However, it is also possible to use the six-syllable mantra: Om Vajrasattva Hum. The process involves visualizing Vajrasattva, reciting the mantra, offering confession and then dedicating any merit one has gained in the process to all sentient beings.


One of the key factors in this practice is that of purification. The meditation involves imagining all one's previous harmful deeds as 'soot and sludge' being expelled from one's body like 'chunks of ice' to be replaced by an elixir of light emanating from Vajrasattva, This is said to effect a a profound cleansing. By repeating this practice major misdeeds will not be repeated and minor ones will be eventually purified. The essential message of this practice is: 'Abandon all harmful deeds; perform wholesome ones'.

Vajrasattva Purification

From Ven. Thubten Chodron's Pearl of Wisdom, Book II
(used with permission)


VajrasattvaVisualize about four inches above your head an open white lotus upon which is a moon disc. Vajrasattva is seated upon this. He is white, translucent and adorned with beautiful ornaments and clothes of celestial silk. His two hands are crossed at his heart; the right holds a vajra, symbolic of great bliss; his left holds a bell, symbolic of the wisdom of emptiness. The vajra and bell together signify his attainment of the enlightened state, the inseparable unity of the wisdom and form bodies. At his heart is a moon disc with the seed-syllable HUM at its center and the letters of Vajrasattva's hundred-syllable mantra standing clockwise around its edge.

Refuge and Generating Bodhicitta (three times)

    I take refuge in the Three Jewels.
    I will liberate all sentient beings and lead them to enlightenment.
    Thus, I will perfectly generate the mind dedicated to attaining
    enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings.

The Power of Regret

Recollect, with deep regret, the specific negativities you have created. Then meditate deeply on the meaning of the following:
    "The negative karma I have accumulated from beginningless time is as extensive as the ocean. Although I know that each negative action leads to countless eons of suffering, it seems that I am constantly striving to create nothing but negative actions. Even though I try to avoid non-virtue and practice positive acts, day and night without respite, negativities and moral downfalls come to me like rainfall. I lack the ability to purify these faults so that no trace of them remains. With these negative imprints still in my mind, I could suddenly die and find myself falling to an unfortunate rebirth. What can I do? Please Vajrasattva, with your great compassion, guide me from such misery!"

The Power of Remedial Action

From the HUM at Vajrasattva's heart, light radiates in all directions, requesting the Buddhas to bestow their blessings. They accept the request and send white rays of light and nectar, the essence of which is the knowledge of their body, speech and mind. The light and nectar absorb into the HUM and the letters of the mantra at Vajrasattva's heart. They then fill his whole body completely, enhancing the magnificence of his appearance and increasing the brilliance of the mantra.

While reciting the mantra, visualize that white rays of light and nectar stream continuously from the HUM and mantra at Vajrasattva's heart. They flow down through the crown of your head and fill every cell of your body and mind with infinite bliss. Recite the mantra at least 21 times or more, if possible.

om vajrasattva samaya manu palaya - vajrasattva deno patita - dido may bhawa - suto kayo may bhawa - supo kayo may bhawa - anu rakto may bhawa - sarwa siddhi mepar yatsa - sarwa karma su tsa may - tsitam shriyam kuru hum - ha ha ha ha ho - bhagawan - sarwa tatagata - vajra ma may mu tsa - vajra bhawa maha samaya sattva - ah hum pey

If you have not yet memorized the long mantra, or if you are pressed for time, you may recite the short mantra at least 28 times.

om vajrasattva hum

While reciting either of the mantras, continue to visualize the flow of light and nectar and perform the following four visualizations alternately.

Purification of Body

Your disturbing attitudes and negativities in general and particularly those of the body, take the form of black ink. Sickness takes the form of pus and blood and afflictions caused by spirits appear in the form of scorpions, snakes, frogs and crabs. Flushed out by the light and nectar, they all leave your body through the lower openings, like filthy liquid flowing down a drain pipe. Feel completely empty of these problems and negativities; they no longer exist anywhere.

Purification of Speech

Your disturbing attitudes and imprints of negativities of speech take the form of liquid tar. The light and nectar fill your body as water fills a dirty glass: the negativities, like the dirt, rise to the top and flow out through the upper openings of your body: your eyes, ears, mouth, nose, etc. Feel completely empty of these problems; they no longer exist.

Purification of the Mind

Your disturbing attitudes and the imprints of mental negativities appear as darkness at your heart. When struck by the forceful stream of light and nectar, the darkness completely vanishes. It is like turning a light on in a room: the darkness does not go anywhere, it simply ceases to exist. Feel that you are completely empty of all these problems; they are non-existent.

Simultaneous Purification

Do the three above visualizations simultaneously. This sweeps away the subtle obscurations that prevent you from seeing correctly all that exists. Feel completely free of these obscurations.

The Power of the Promise

After reciting the mantra and doing the visualizations, make the following promise to Vajrasattva, specifying a period of time for which you intend to keep it:

    "I shall not create these negative actions from now until ______."
Vajrasattva is extremely pleased and says, "My spiritual child of the essence, all your negativities, obscurations and degenerated vows have been completely purified."

With delight, Vajrasattva melts into light and dissolves into you. Your body, speech and mind become inseparably one with Vajrasattva's holy body, speech and mind. Concentrate on this.


    Due to this merit may I soon
    Attain the enlightened state of Vajrasattva,
    That I may be able to liberate
    All sentient beings from their suffering.

    May the precious bodhi mind
    Not yet born arise and grow.
    May that born have no decline,
    But increase forever more.

I.O.U = I owe too many!

I think I owe a lot of people. I think I owe some in forms of cash, and some in forms of favor, some in form of kind deeds, others in unwholesome deeds. Sigh.. whatever IOUs I have, it's definitely way too many to count. Why do I owe so much? Let's talk about karma. This is a overrated word being used too commonly in certain context. When karma is mentioned, a lot of people have different perception of it.

To me, I take karma as a form of Experience. This is not only one experience, but a collection of experiences throughout lifetimes. One misconception of karma is that it is a belief that karma is a form of re-action produced by one's past causes when one is young in this life. Other misconceived notion of Karma is that it is a product of a philosophy to explain the mysteries of life.

However, there's more to meet than the eye, Karma is simply a result of a cause and effect. It doesn't start on this one life. It traces back to the very beginning of one's intention and action. As a result of this accumulation of past experiences and actions stored in our unconscious mind (heart) (Buddhist term: Alaya Consciousness) or the 7th consciousness; what we are is a product of these various imprints and collected throughout our cycle of existence. When you understand the concept of Karma, you'd understand the concept of rebirth. However, we're not going to discuss the theory of who comes 1st, chicken or egg. I'm going to talk about karma. Something very plain that a child can understand but an old wise man would find it difficult to practice.

It comes down to your intention, if the intention produced by the cause is pure and good, then the results are as such. If otherwise, so it is as well. "As you sow, so shall you reap..."Why we are is because we have a mission, some are here to repay their dues, settle debts and complete certain things. Some are here to receive rewards, getting their paid dues and correct errors.
Whatever forms of karma we have created, we have to bear them. It's all about being responsible to one's actions , be it wholesome or unwholesome. When you have completed this task, then that karma is taken care of or purified.

Just imagine, if you had a decade of lifetimes, think of the karmic actions you'd have created. Now, bring this to a bigger picture and see a myriad of karmic actions that you have created, collected, stored and to be accountable later, Can you see how much of IOUs you have created by yourself and others?

It's time to clear my debts....

May you be well and happy.
Om Ah Hum!

PS: To those who've already seen and realize the potential harm of karmic actions, here is a wonderful Dharma to extinguish and purify your past karmic actions:

Recite the 100 syllable of Vajrasattva Bodhisattva Mahasattva Mantra:

Om vajra sattva sa ma ya 
ma nupa la ya, vajra sattva tre no pa
tri stha dridho me bhava
su to kh-yo me bha va
su po kh-yo me bha va
anu ra-kto me bha va
sar va sid-dhim me pra ya cha
sa rva karma su ca-me
Ci-ttam Shri-yam kuru HUM!
ha ha ha ha ho bha-ga-van
Sa rva ta tha-ga ta
Va-jra ma-me mun ca
Va-jri bha va maha samaya sattva ah!

Recite sincerely in front of Image of Vajra-sattva 7, 21 or 108 times.