Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I.O.U = I owe too many!

I think I owe a lot of people. I think I owe some in forms of cash, and some in forms of favor, some in form of kind deeds, others in unwholesome deeds. Sigh.. whatever IOUs I have, it's definitely way too many to count. Why do I owe so much? Let's talk about karma. This is a overrated word being used too commonly in certain context. When karma is mentioned, a lot of people have different perception of it.

To me, I take karma as a form of Experience. This is not only one experience, but a collection of experiences throughout lifetimes. One misconception of karma is that it is a belief that karma is a form of re-action produced by one's past causes when one is young in this life. Other misconceived notion of Karma is that it is a product of a philosophy to explain the mysteries of life.

However, there's more to meet than the eye, Karma is simply a result of a cause and effect. It doesn't start on this one life. It traces back to the very beginning of one's intention and action. As a result of this accumulation of past experiences and actions stored in our unconscious mind (heart) (Buddhist term: Alaya Consciousness) or the 7th consciousness; what we are is a product of these various imprints and collected throughout our cycle of existence. When you understand the concept of Karma, you'd understand the concept of rebirth. However, we're not going to discuss the theory of who comes 1st, chicken or egg. I'm going to talk about karma. Something very plain that a child can understand but an old wise man would find it difficult to practice.

It comes down to your intention, if the intention produced by the cause is pure and good, then the results are as such. If otherwise, so it is as well. "As you sow, so shall you reap..."Why we are is because we have a mission, some are here to repay their dues, settle debts and complete certain things. Some are here to receive rewards, getting their paid dues and correct errors.
Whatever forms of karma we have created, we have to bear them. It's all about being responsible to one's actions , be it wholesome or unwholesome. When you have completed this task, then that karma is taken care of or purified.

Just imagine, if you had a decade of lifetimes, think of the karmic actions you'd have created. Now, bring this to a bigger picture and see a myriad of karmic actions that you have created, collected, stored and to be accountable later, Can you see how much of IOUs you have created by yourself and others?

It's time to clear my debts....

May you be well and happy.
Om Ah Hum!

PS: To those who've already seen and realize the potential harm of karmic actions, here is a wonderful Dharma to extinguish and purify your past karmic actions:

Recite the 100 syllable of Vajrasattva Bodhisattva Mahasattva Mantra:

Om vajra sattva sa ma ya 
ma nupa la ya, vajra sattva tre no pa
tri stha dridho me bhava
su to kh-yo me bha va
su po kh-yo me bha va
anu ra-kto me bha va
sar va sid-dhim me pra ya cha
sa rva karma su ca-me
Ci-ttam Shri-yam kuru HUM!
ha ha ha ha ho bha-ga-van
Sa rva ta tha-ga ta
Va-jra ma-me mun ca
Va-jri bha va maha samaya sattva ah!

Recite sincerely in front of Image of Vajra-sattva 7, 21 or 108 times.

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